Sunday 15 June 2014


Finding ourselves.
Settling down with the person we are on the inside. The real you. Not the you that always shines through to other people.

Monday 2 June 2014

Happiness at its best

It gets to a point you crave the feelings you were originally running from. Then you reach another point where the feelings you crave, overtake you and you want nothing else but to disregard them. But instead of disregarding them, you step away and re-assess. 
This is what I do anyway. 

You think of all the other situations which have brought you to this point. Which have carved & moulded your interior. Exterior isn't substantial. The beauty of someone's soul shines through, its their fears that deter me. Their subconscious judgemental barriers make me weary. Sometimes you try to break through them (whether its your own barriers or someone else's) and other times, you let it be. 



and free.

Happiness at its best.