Monday, 26 May 2014


This wine I'm drinking.. [please see title of this post] this product is a produce of Italy. 
"Rich & smooth structure... Bursting with ripe blueberry, plum & subtle sweet spice." 

Amalfi Coast

This is all I keep thinking about... Italy. For some reason, I feel drawn to it. Highly highly drawn to it.
Getting away... would be wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

Similarity: once you begin to see the similarities between all things, its very hard to love one thing and not the other. Its hard to believe in the sky without believing in the clouds. It becomes impossible to see one thing without the other also coming to the forefront.

Remain open. Remain patient. Dismiss all judgement from yourself and others, and realise.. it has to be done. Smile at it all.

Also got drawn to one particular book at the Mind Body & Soul Exhibition.. (considering I'm a book fiend the rest didn't interest me too much) book called: Breaking Down is Waking Up by Dr Russell Razzaque. Amazing work. I'm going to reach out to him once I've finished (I'm only 60 pages in but its really touched me already because I can really relate to everything he's saying)


Saturday, 10 May 2014


Hahaha ofcourse, after I posted my dissertation, I was reading over it at work after how many years.. and realised I uploaded the draft that wasn't finished.. sorry about the mistakes and missing parts! I won't bore you all by uploading it again (plus cannot find the final draft) but hope you enjoyed it nevertheless..

I'm at home waiting for my Rockstar to arrive (one of my closest friends) she's my hero you see :)

What else has been happening? Recorded Hold On the other day... we re-made the beat together that I initially made on my own.. its sounding very smooth indeed. 

I'm just trying to keep it moving. In everythiiiiing I'm doing. Wanting. 

Going to carry on writing now.. have finished writing for Rox's song, gonna record that today too. Got twisted last night but the rest of the weekend we're keeping it calm and productive.

Hahaa much love bubbas. x

Monday, 5 May 2014

Once upon a time.. I wrote a dissertation..

Weather Modification has various implications, many of which seem to be overlooked. Does European and International Law deal adequately with this problem?
Janset Sayar


The aim of this paper will be to explore, not only the implications of weather modification and the countries which have employed access to such services, but also the different approaches that these selected countries have used, in terms of International law, when governing the impact of such activities. Modifying the weather can have many substantial effects on the environment and these concerns will be highlighted alongside the positive approaches that can be taken with technology holding the ability to change the environment for a positive cause.
According to the academic lecturer, Mr Chunglin Kwa1, many well known historians that dealt with weather modification and closely observed the developments flourish, all held a particular view. This was, ‘not that modification would fail, but that would, in fact, work.’ The centralised concern therefore could be seen to be based on promises for many excellent possibilities with this mind blowing technology as oppose to the many after effects it could have on our environment.

The History of Weather Modification

Weather Modification is the process whereby the weather is manipulated, or to put in clearer terms, “modified” to achieve specific outcomes. A very precise definition can be found in Article 1(a) of the agreement between Canada and America stating it to be “activities performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behaviour or dynamics of the atmosphere.”2 A very wide margin of appreciation is seen to be given here to what this modification can entail. These outcomes, or what is also now seen to be a needed service within society, are acquired by many different countries for very different and diverse reasons.
It was after the Second World War that the concept of weather modification became tangible in terms of comprehension. In 1945, a mathematician by the name of John Von Neumann held a meeting in Princeton alongside a wide array of talented scientists and agreed that weather modification could in fact be deemed possible. This group of scientists expected that their extraordinary findings could make a ‘great difference in the next war’.3 The treaties that will be looked at all have a core purpose and this is to prevent the new found technology, even at the time of discovery, of being used in a way that could harm other nations or the planet as a whole.

There has always been a shadow of secrecy amongst those who participate in weather modification experiments and it causes one to question its legitimacy. This point is illustrated by Joe Gelt. In one of his weather modification studies4 he states that ,‘the names given to early experiments conveyed fanciful, futuristic and high-tech images naming research projects titles like “Forest Service” in the 1950’s where they were aiming to reduce forest fires by decreasing lightening and “Project Stormfury” in the 1960’s where the U.S. weather Bureau attempted to modify hurricane clouds to mitigate winds.’ Commenting that ‘it does not help” the image of the experiments.

Was this technology built with warfare in mind? In the past, most treaties had been based upon the notion that such weapons “should not be” used as mass weapons of destruction, because like nuclear bombs, they had the same potential to cause and inflict great harm. The treaty that was signed in Geneva, May 18, 1977 states that military planning does not include the use of this technology for warfare purposes now; however, “such techniques MIGHT be developed in the future, and could pose a threat of serious damage unless action was taken to prohibit their use.”
The purpose of the treaties was to prevent the use of this technology for harmful purposes. One can interpret the language used in article 1 of the convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques5, stating, “each state party to this convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other state party.” It then goes on to explain that long-lasting could mean “for a period of months, or approximately a season”; therefore, anything that is done in the winter for example, should have no lasting effects by the time autumn is over. However in reality, in every scope of their experimental efforts to manipulate the weather, controlling such a complex system is very dangerous.
One of the most recent treaties is the Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act developed in 20056. This act requires the need for representatives like the NOAA, NSF (National Science Foundation), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to be involved in the subcommittee, which will allow safety measures to be assessed and placed appropriately. In 2005 an important Act was also developed in the U.S. called the Weather Modification Research & Technology Act. 7 Section 8(b) focuses on the funding8 stating that ‘for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this act $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2014.’ This means, at the end of the 10 year period, they would’ve spent well over $90m on modifying the weather, in the U.S. alone. However, according to Fox News9, during the committee ‘mark-up’ in November the language in the act was changed and they removed the specific amount to “funding as necessary” instead. According to the spokesman10 of the board, "This plan deserves further consideration, but at a time of serious deficits, we must delay committing additional funds to this project until we have more time to consider its merits.”

This is where the economical aspect of environmental law is highlighted, as the scale could be tilted to one of two sides. Either, the state will spend such alarming figures on this technology and not succeed with their experiments or refrain from spending this budget and thus not having the funds to further develop the existing technology. There is still an evident doubt of the efficiency when modifying the weather, which should surely be eliminated, by now with thorough research to the point of no uncertainty.

How can the weather be modified?

Weather modification consists of many different processes; the most popularly used amongst most of the nations is cloud seeding, which was also created by Mr Neumann.
The process is clearly illustrated below: (Source of Diagram11)

Cloud Seeding:
Cloud seeding is a procedure that generates “man-made” rain. The process consists of the insertion of chemicals like silver iodide crystals in to the clouds which then in result creates raindrops. This concept was explored by Irwin Langmuir and he confirmed that such activities were very much possible, however evidence of concern on his behalf for such advanced procedures are were not as evident. It is quoted that “Langmuir quickly won support from military agencies and claimed success in field experiments.”12
In the legal response to Environmental Concerns about Weather Modification, Mr Davis truly brakes down the detrimental effects of such chemicals like silver iodide. This substance is actually a yellowish powder used in medicine, photographic emulsions and also has antiseptic medicinal use, however when used to seed clouds this poisonous substance is within the raindrops that “fall everywhere on trees, vegetation, roofs... and people.”13
According to the weather modification company, there are two types of cloud seeding, include Aerial Cloud Seeding (as shown in the diagram) which delivers the seeding agent by aircraft and Ground-Based Cloud seeding which is recommended to users for the ‘treatment of low-level clouds over complex terrain’ and can be controlled by remote control.14
These processes are unfathomably easy to use, get access to and provides many short term effects but what about the side effects? The negative impact may not be instantaneous, or even in a time frame of possible comprehension within our lifetimes, but like with all other areas of environmental issues that are supposedly considered, are actually overlooked for the benefit it provides at the time of ‘need’. CO2 in the form of ‘dry ice’ which is also used to seed clouds was stated by the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania15 to be “equally dangerous” and has the potential to “disrupt the entire ecology of the planet.”
Vital safeguards must be applied when States are dealing with such procedures, like in Illinois (USA) the weather modification control centre are very aware of the implications, requiring applicants (with permits) to set up ‘emergency shutdown’ procedures to be’ put into effect should ecological or other disasters threaten.’16 Luckily evidence of such safeguards has been put in place and applied in the USA, (which is the country that adopts these procedures the most frequently) which came into effect in February 1974 enforced by the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) officials. If a state wants to take on a specific project to manipulate the weather, the NOAA requires certain provisions, forecasts, advisories and warnings to be specified clearly. Environmental guidelines and safety procedures are also considered very important, seen to be high on the checklist of things states need to consider and put forward to the NOAA. If they in return, see a flaw in the matter, and a report indicates for example that a project may deter from its initial practices, the NOAA will inform the operator and state officials and will provide recommendations or alternative routes to achieve the outcome where possible.17
Without such extensive safety measures this mind blowing technology that our society has so greatly discovered and confirmed to be possible, could just create a dangerous experiment of destruction for human kind and the environment itself. As stated by the two year study that was undertaken in 1953, the advisory committee on weather control, this preliminary report clearly stated that without proper safeguards and accurate data the modification could cause ‘catastrophic droughts, storms, floods and other phenomena with consequent loss of life and property, injury to navigable streams and other channels of interstate...and may otherwise adversely affect the general welfare and common defence.’ 18 However, needless to say, the benefits that could be gained from such projects could really make a difference to the environment, to cast them “good” or “bad” would be an assumption difficult to make, but if successfully carried out, could definitely achieve remarkable results.
The disadvantages and various concerns have been highlighted thus far, however the view is held that some good could come out of these procedures. Following the prohibition of these activities to be used as weapon for warfare it was held that the development of such technology was for the good of man and the fact that “every person has the inalienable right to a decent environment”19 This was perhaps the concept that was kept in mind when the following research centre was being developed.

Who is HAARP?

This is the centre, located in Alaska that allows the earth to engage in such experiments of weather modification. HAARP stands for “The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program” and is a ‘scientific endeavour aimed at studying the properties and behaviour of the ionosphere...’ however is also viewed as a “military experiment” based in Alaska. The ionosphere that is spoken of is actually the layer above the upper atmosphere of the earth, which is electrically active therefore by heating it with powerful pulsed radio frequency beams, desired outcomes can be achieved and when aimed at a specific part of the earth, the beams bounce back to the surface and thus makes the weather modifiable. Rosalie Bertell20, who was the founder of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health (USA) voiced her concerns on this military experiment stating that, "The earth is delicately balanced, and seeks to restore balance when disturbed. No one really knows how ionospheric experiments will affect that balance, or what the earth will do in response to try to restore balance."
Disaster or ‘Pure’ Research” was a paper written by Dr. Nick Begich (Anchorage, Alaska) and Jeane Manning of (Vancouver, British Columbia) and the following comments by Richard Williams, who was an industrial scientist who for the last thirty years studied state electronics, structure of clouds, water evaporation and other environmental problems. He suggested that the initial experiments at HAARP were done using modest power levels and are not a cause for concern, however, after Dr Williams having access to the projects internal documents indicate that plans include the eventual use of power levels up to ten billion watts, explaining that this is an enormous amount of watts, more than 200 times the total electrical power level used by the city of Janeau.
In the Global Research by Michel Chossudovsky21 the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security Defence Policy held public hearings on the weather warfare facility developed under the HAARP programme. The committee created what is known as the “Motion for Resolution” an was submitted to the European Parliament stating that ‘HAARP virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body..’ The committee expresses its regrets of the repeated refusal of the United States administration to present detailed evidence to the public hearing about the environmental and public risks of the HAARP program.22 Once again, this is an illustration of the underlying problems of the

What good could come of such technology?

The potential advantages that modification could bring cannot and should not be overlooked. In the treaty text of Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification, the charter of the United Nations recalled that the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment adopted at Stockholm23, where it was realised that the ‘use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes could improve the interrelationship of man and nature and contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations...’
This technology can directly enable countries to achieve outcomes to better their situations, for example, countries with general warm climates could seek to modify their weather to eliminate droughts; the modification, which in this case would be the process of cloud seeding to create raindrops that will benefit the state of the country’s dry soil, damaged crops. However, the problem lies within the possibility of the results being less beneficial. The problems that could potentially occur in attempt to improve matters, could be highly detrimental to the Environment itself. Is there a way around this? To find a way to use this technology without making a permanent impact to the earth’s wellbeing?
These advantages will be considered using the Weather Modification Incorporation (business) as a tool to illustrate and view the various procedures, moving away from Cloud seeding and exploring other possible projects that are being implemented in various countries. Three of these projects will be focused on, whilst the state law that governs that state will also be touched on as well to grasp the realness of the situation. Focusing on this company will help us to understand the client basis and the details of projects which are taking place at this very moment or have done in the past.
  1. The first thing to become aware of would be the countries which are involved in these projects. The list consists of 17 countries, of which the majority is quite developed and economically stable as the state would need to be in order to fund such activities. This table also illustrates how different countries will have different motives and aims to consider when putting the projects in place. Please refer to figure 1 in the appendix.
Starting with Greece for example, the only institute which is involved with weather modification activity in that country is ELGA (Hellenic Agriculture Insurance Organization). ELGA is the main public carrier of insurance coverage in agricultural exploitation in Greece which is supervised by the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food.24According to the Global Weather Modification Organisation the specific insurance that ELGA provides is compulsory and protects the agriculture production and livestock of the country. Therefore weather modification is used to maintain this insurance given to its citizens.
Whereas in Mali (West Africa) they have put in place a “Rainfall Enhancement & Atmospheric Assessment and Evaluation” programme. The objective of the project is to enhance the rainfall so that the agriculture can increase its growth and in result will improve the economical situation of Mali.
Whether or not it will be successful is another issue altogether, and probably one of the main problems when partaking in such activities. The process of seeding clouds seems to be understood quite well by scientists and evidence of successful ‘sky clearing’ was proved in the 1940s and early 1950’s by Langmuir, Schaefer and Vonnegut.25 The world Meteorological Organisation (WMO) illustrated the uncertainty in areas like hail suppression were evident, as ‘some experiments could not prove the sufficiency with an acceptable significance.’26
The largest artificial weather modification programme, both in terms of size and budget is found in China. According to Wang Guanghe27, director of the weather modification department under the Chinese Academy of Meteorological sciences, for a country like China, to maintain power and leadership, it cannot afford to let the weather destroy their agriculture in any way or form. Environmental law actually deals with political or economical issues in relation to the environment. It is a concept that is quite difficult to grasp but without the political aspects of such concerns nothing would be done regarding the problems that arise in respect to climate change and so forth. According to a well known news agency in China, “between 1999 and 2006, 250 billion tonnes of rain were artificially created.”28 This is a very alarming figure, and according to the aforementioned cloud seeding processes, one must question whether this is “healthy” for our environment. Is China using this technology recklessly because of the combination of wealth and power they hold globally?


Fortunately, environmental law is governed and protected at an international level. However, this part of law is known to be highly diluted with political and economical priority, mainly in the hands of those countries that hold the most power. The advantage could be seen in the fact that environmental law is highly governed by international regimes and conventions, and this is essential because the jurisdiction that is effected (in terms of the weather) may not always be part of one nation. The disadvantage that international law brings with it is its primitive traits, in terms of the “I’ll scratch your back, you’ll scratch mine” attitude that is taken. E.g. If two neighbouring countries are in unity and share similar interests, relying on each other to survive, unpredicted environmental issues from the neighbouring country can be easily forgiven or overlooked and these could be issues varying from co² emissions, other forms of pollution, acid rain, etc; however, if those countries do not have that level of proximity, the enforceability of contracts. Or any level of interference is unlikely and could depend on the level of power that one specific state holds. The political issues therefore undermine the needs of the environment and these are sometimes illustrated in the way in which the laws are generally interpreted.
As Weather Modification has been present for more than sixty years, its complete prohibition would just be possible. The same principle applies for cigarette manufacturing companies, so to speak. Once a something is built and put into place, it is very difficult to retract it from existence once the smallest form of benefit has been gained, even if the disadvantages sometimes outweigh the advantages. I strongly believe the “iron cast” of secrecy needs to be removed, and experiments need to be publicised without causing global panic. The creation of this phenomenal technology is a great achievement for mankind; however, evidence has proven that neglecting the ramifications, or using this technology recklessly, could albeit intentionally, change the course of nature very unexpectedly.

Appendix 1: Table of Countries Involved in Weather Modification activities (2011)
Clients & Projects

Antigua Cloud Seeding Project
Province of Mendoza Ministry of Economy
Queensland Environmental Protection Agency
Burkina Faso
Program SAAGA
Alberta Hail Suppression Project

British Colombia Ministry of Forest

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority

Saskatchewan National Hydrology Research Agency
Greek National Hail Suppression Program (ELGA)

Hellenic Navy Supply Center
Andhra Pradesh Rainfall Enhancement Project

Prakalpa Varsha - Maharashtra Rainfall Enhancement Project

Project Varuna - Karnataka Rainfall Enhancement Project
BPPT Weather Modification Program
Arab Automated Systems

Heshamite Kingdom of Jordan
Programme Sanji - Mali
Precipitation for Augmentation of Rain in Coahuila (PARC)
Programme Al-Ghait
Saudi Arabia
Program for Cloud Physics Research and Rain Enhancement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

World Meteorological Organization in cooperation with SAU/WMO/FIT Rain Enhancement Project
Canary Islands - AIRAO Incorporated
Bureau of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation (BRRAA)
ISKI Rain Enhancement Program

Petkim Petrokimya Holding, A.S. Rain Enhancement Program
United Arab Emirates
U.A.E. Rain Enhancement Program

U.A.E. Rainfall Enhancement and Air Chemistry Studies - DWRS
United States
Aeromet, Inc. (L-3 Communications) - U.S Department of Defense

BAMEX - Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment

CALIPSO - CloudSat Validation Experiment

Delaware Department of Agriculture Cloud Seeding Program

Edwards Aquifer Authority

Federal Aviation Administration - Great Lakes Division

Gratiot Weather Modification Project

Illinois Weather Modification Projects

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Hurricane Center

Naval Surface Warfare Center

Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program

New Mexico BLAST (Burst Light and Stratus Transmission) Project

North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP)

North Dakota Thunderstorm Project - North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board

North Dakota Tracer Experiment - North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board

Northeast Sampling Program - Sonoma Technology, Inc.

NSF/NCAR ICE-L Field Campaign

Oklahoma Weather Modification Project (OWMP)

Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District Rainfall Enhancement Program

Santa Barbara County Water Agency

Sonoma Technology, Inc.

Stanislaus Weather Modification Program

State of South Dakota - Department of Natural Resources Division of Weather Modification

Texas Central High Plains Rainfall Enhancement Program

Texas Experiment in Augmenting Rainfall through Cloud Seeding (TEXARC)

Texas Weather Modification Program

The University of North Dakota - US Environmental Protection Agency

University of Arizona - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Upper American River Cloud Seeding Project

Upper Payette River Basin Cloud Seeding Program

Upper Tuolumne River Weather Modification Program

Utah Division of Water Resources

Utah Division of Water Resources

West Central Texas Council of Governments Rainfall Enhancement Program

Western Dakota Water Development District - Black Hills Council of Local Government

Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program

  • The Physics of Clouds” Oxford Monographs on Meteorology, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1971), p. 671
  • Module Handbook and Notes Taken in Lectures
  • Environmental Warfare: Climate Modification Schemes” -Spencer Weart. (2009)
  • A Water Resource Strategy to be Researched, Tested before Tried”- J. Gelt (1992) Vol.6, No.1
  • Legal Response to environmental concerns about weather modification (1975) - Ray Jay Davis
  • Journal of Applied Meterology, Vol. 14 - Ray Jay Davis.
  • Weather modification incorporations 2007 Annual Meeting - George N. Farazoulis
  • The Design of Grossversuch IV, “A Randomized Hail Suppression Experiment in Switzerland.” - B. Federer, W. Schmid and A. Waldvogel
  • Weather Modification” by Philip L.Hoag (1998)
  • Environmental Warfare and Climate Change, The world’s climate can be modified by a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons” by Michel Chossudovsky. (2005)
  • Preliminary Report, Advisory Committee on Weather Control” Vol. 69, No.5 (1954)


  • Agreement relating to the exchange of information on weather modification activities (1975)

  • Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (1978)
  • S.517: Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005
  • Weather Modification Research & Technology Act of 2005



1 University of Amsterdam
2 Registered by Canada on 18th August 1975/No. 14202
3 “Environmental Warfare: Climate Modification Schemes” -Spencer Weart. Published 9th Dec 2009.

4 ‘A Water Resource Strategy to be Researched, Tested before Tried’ J. Gelt (1992) Volume6, No.1
5 Signed in Geneva May 18, 1997, Entered into force Oct 5, 1979. Ratification by U.S. Dec 13, 1979.
6 109th Congress 2005/2006, Written by the Congressional Research Service, part of the Library of Congress.

The purpose of this act was to establish the weather modification operations and research board... a Bill introduced by Mrs Kay Bailey Hutchison. And took effect on October 1, 2005.
8 for the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund
9Article “Bill May Renew U.S. Weather Control Efforts.” by Greg Simmons (2005) Please see,2933,178183,00.html
10Quoted by Wesley Dinton
12 Environmental Warfare: Climate Modification Schemes” By Spencer Weart (2009)
13 Ray Jay Davis, “Legal Response to environmental concerns about weather modification, 1975
14 Please go to

15 1967
16 Please see p682, Journal of Applied Meterology, Volume 14, Ray Jay Davis.
17 See Charak and Digiulian -1974.
18 This was the 83d Congress as public law 256

19 Ray Jay Davis, “Legal Response to environmental concerns about weather modification, 1975
20Ph.D, of Toronto, Canada
21“Environmental Warfare and Climate Change, The World’s climate can be modified”
22 Please see, European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy
23 16th June 1972

24 Please see weather modification incorporations 2007 Annual Meeting - George N. Farazoulis
25Evidence gathered by Mason, B. J., 1971: The Physics of Clouds. Oxford, p671
26B. Federer, W. Schmid and A. Waldvogel – “The Design of Grossversuch IV, “A Randomized Hail Suppression Experiment in Switzerland.”
27Who is director of the Weather Modification Department under the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

28Xinhua News – Online News (2009)

In the right dimension.

HEYYYYY.. Hi there.

I had to stop. Literally stop a couple days ago.. and realise how amazing this last month has been. Since before my birthday, the input of memories, the sweetness, the smiles, the troubles even.. retrospectively speaking, the stresses which make you smile in the long run because you realise you care. 

Makes you realise what you need to change and what you need to keep exactly the same. 

I am ever so grateful. I don't like using the word "blessed" its an ego based, I am more in touch than you are type of word.. and this is not the case. 


THE NEW EP IS ON ITS WAY!! GOT STUDIO WITH D & PAWSON TUESDAY! YAYYY! I'm so fucking happy all the hard work has finally kind of got close to paying off.. but no.. I don't wanna pay it off, I'll be in debt to my music and my abilities all my life. It's about the journey, I enjoy the fact I do music and sometimes nothing even comes from it.. What do people expect? IF you expect fame and money.. you are basically expecting music to change your lifestyle, but it's not about that.

It's about finding a way to express who you are without using words or gestures..(for me anyway)


What is love? I experienced love every 15min or so. From my memories, from strangers, from nature.. its a union with all things around you. We are truly 1.. 

I've been thinking a lot about the timing of things. I always thought "ahh my timing is mad, I've always done things or met people at the wrong time" infact - this is a lie.

So far from the truth. 
Revelations: infact my timing is perfect.. because everything IS AS IT SHOULD. BE THIS IT.

So why bother? Why stress? Why resist? Accept it. Even if its shit, even if its stressful, even if its not what you want now.. ACCEPT IT.. then work towards changing it. 


Gotta run..

Love to the universe! x